Communication is what allows us to connect, to share ideas, to learn and grow. Sure a picture says a thousand words, but they are vague, all-encompassing and subjective.
Imagine for a moment, a world without words. How would you reach out to those around you? How would you connect. Could you effectively explain your needs and desires without words?
You could, of course, to an extent. You can convey a general idea using gestures and body language, but the probability of misunderstanding is high.
"Communication is power. Those who have mastered its effective use can change their experience of the world and the world's experience of them. All behavior and feeling find their original roots in some form of communication."-Tony Robbins
To express yourself effectively and with any precision, you need language. You need universally understood words, and you must be able to craft those words into sentences and paragraphs that are clear and concise.
But that's just the first step.
In order for copy to effectively SELL, those sentences must take your reader by the hand and guide them to a very specific result.
That is, in a nutshell, what copywriters do.
After all, telling someone how wonderful your company is, and explaining the unique properties of your product does not, in itself, compel them to buy it.
My favourite marketing quote says,
"Sell the problem you solve, not the product you make." - unknown.
Every product or service, no matter how amazing, will raise objections. The trick to compelling copy is understanding ahead of time what those objections might be, and answering them BEFORE they are asked so that the consumer can move to the next step...
... and there must BE a next step, even if that step is as simple as opening an email.
To understand more about how the power of copy can grow your business and increase your sales, or to get a quote for my services, follow this link to my services page, or send me an email.