what is a blog?
Most people already know what a blog is. They understand that it is the digital equivalent of a newsletter, put out on a regular basis for a specific audience. In the case of a personal blog, the audience may be friends and family, or it may be people with similar interests.
In term of business or marketing blogs, the audience is (hopefully) made up of current and potential clients or customers. This audience typically signs up via a mailing list (email) to receive notification of new blog posts as they are published.
how does a blog help my business succeed?
What's less commonly understood is why so many marketing professionals rely on blogs to bring in traffic. (according to an article I read recently, 53% prioritize blogging as a marketing tool)
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash
The bottom line is that blogs are relatively inexpensive to create and maintain because the same content (in the form of blog posts and videos) will stay on the blog and grow as you add to it.
This helps in a few ways. The first is that Google's search engine gives priority to sites that it considers to have more useful content. This generates more organic leads, meaning you can bring in more traffic while spending less on ads.
It also helps because the audience has more to do while on your site. If your content is helpful to them in one instance, they are more likely to return if they need information on a similar topic.
what are the benefits of blogging?
Lets break it down into all of the positive things a professional blog post can provide;
a platform with which to demonstrate your (and your company's) knowledge and expertise,
a method of sharing your company's vision, values, and mission statement. This can help build a rapport with your audience and help convince people who haven't yet made a decision to chose you. Studies show that given a choice between two similar companies, they will most often chose the one who shares the same values and goals as they do.
In the same way that a novel is better when the characters have a backstory... a company is more well-rounded and accepted when customers understand who and what that company is.
blogging about topics related to your industry can spread a wider net. In other words, if your company provides financial advice- you can blog about any topic under that umbrella from preparing taxes, to investing, to being a snowbird. All of these topics could be searched by a wide variety of people, so your content can be seen by people who might not normally find your site.
it allows you a chance to speak directly to your audience about things that matter to you, creating a personal connection and a level of understanding few forms of marketing can accomplish.
What makes an effective blog post?
Now that you have an idea WHY so many businesses chose to create blogs as a way to market themselves, it's important to know HOW to make sure your blog is effective.
There are several types of blog post that you can create, and each serves a purpose and will attract people for different reasons. Having a variety of posts will provide the most success. It will also allow you (through your blog's tracking algorithms) to keep track of which type of blogs get the most traffic, and which lead directly to a purchase or consultation.
1. Educational Posts-
This type of article tends to attract people who are at the top of sales funnel. They haven't decided what they need yet, or where to get what they need. They are essentially doing research that will help them make a decision in the future.
Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash
This audience is less likely to go directly to your website and make a purchase or book a consultation BUT they are definitely potential clients. If you catch them at this stage and build a level of trust with them, when they are ready to buy, they will likely think of you first, because they feel they know you and understand what you offer or represent. This post is an example of an Education Post, here is another...
2. Product/Service Posts-
This type of article gives information about individual services or products that you or your company provides. It has a much more specific audience and tends to attract people who have at least narrowed down what they are looking for (so people in the middle of the sales funnel). This type of post allows you to go into more depth and detail about what you offer and why they need it.
Photo by Vya Naturals on Unsplash
3. Mission/Vision Posts-
This type of article is personal and specific just to you and your company. This is where you can talk directly to the audience about who you are, what your company does, what you hope to accomplish with it. Your goals and core values. This type of article attracts people from all stages of the sales funnel, and reaches them on a much more intimate level.
If they believe in what you are trying to accomplish with your company- they are much more likely to chose you over a competitor with a goal or values that do not align with theirs.
Here is a post I wrote about myself when I started The Copy Goddess, it is an example of a mission/vision post, and it will show you what I mean. This type of post should share something about yourself, your dreams, your strengths, and give them an idea about WHO you are (and by extension your business).
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
**It's important to understand that not everyone will agree with your values. Putting them out there in the public eye can (and will) alienate people with different core values than your own but it will leave you with an audience that you can relate to more easily and who will tend to have brand loyalty. It's important to have a very clear idea of what your brand is and what it represents (core values) before you do this type of post. If you haven't yet defined your brand, you can find out more about the process here.
4. Seasonal Posts-
This type of post is very specific and generally time sensitive. Keep in mind that if you want to offer a special deal or a seasonal product to your customers/audience you need to have the article telling them about it up and running at least a month or so before the event in order for it to have much of an effect. Very few people are actually "last-minute shoppers". Don't worry about having it out too early. You WANT to be the one who reminds them that an important event (like Mother's Day) is coming up. That will place you in mind when they realize they have to do something about it- like book that spa day for mom, or order some flowers online. If your offer is appealing to them, this might spark an impulse purchase.
Be aware that this is the only type of article or post that you want to actively remove after the event to avoid confusion the next year. This type of article can also be used to thank your existing customers for their patronage which strengthens your relationship and makes them feel special. It is the verbal equivalent of posting something like this on your social media feed...
5. Special Offer Posts-
Similar to the Seasonal Post, the content in one of these articles is time sensitive. In this case the fact that the offer is for a limited time can add to the urgency for the customer, creating an immediate increase in sales. You will need to remove the article when the offer expires though, to remove any confusion.
Special offer posts can be inspired by seasonal events, or they can correspond to the arrival of new products, or business anniversaries. Whatever the reason, a good offer made at the right time (like lawn products in the spring or snow blowers in the fall) can boost sales in a big way but will not provide long-term content.
Photo by Arno Senoner on Unsplash
For businesses that do not deal with physical products, special offer posts may include things like content offers given to people who sign up to the mailing list, or a list of popular Christmas recipes given before Christmas as a way to reward existing customers.
It can take the form of an ebook that you are selling related to current event (like a guide to tax exemptions at tax season). What you offer is completely unique to your company. Play to your strengths and put some serious thought to the timing and format of this type of post because it can attract a whole new audience.
6. Adjacent Industry/Topic Posts
This type of article is used to cast a wider net and draw new people into the top of a sales funnel. It is done by taking something that is on the outskirts of your usual field of expertise or service but might also be useful to your existing clients, and discussing it. You can discuss how and why it might be helpful to them or in some cases, you can explain why it won't be helpful to them.
The idea is to take something -like a new trend- that you know your audience may be interested in and dive into it as a way to provide helpful content.
An example of this would be when a food blogger does a review on a new food processor, or tries out a new method of cooking that is popular on TikTok. When done wisely, it can capitalize on current trends in the market or on social media and use it to get your name and product out in front of new people.
This is a good type of article to expand your horizons and your format... in other words... you can try including a video instead of just images and text, or make it fun and playful.
Photo by Eaters Collective on Unsplash
This type of post can be fun and interactive and give you a chance to really shine, as well as letting your audience see you and connect with you.
The bottom line on blogging
If you take away only one thing from this post, make it this... A blog is a powerful and versatile marketing tool.
Done correctly it can build your brand, connect you with a loyal group of current and potential customers, and allow you to share your ideas, vision, and products in ways that traditional marketing will not.
And it will do all of that on a comparatively small budget... when it's done right.
So... how do you do it right?
Successful blogs need several things:
consistently created content (ideally at least two posts per month)
useful/helpful content of at least 1500 words with images (this helps search engines find your content)
meta data and links (this isn't as complicated as you think) that help search engines chose your content over someone else's
thoughtfully chosen topics (timed right)
content which has a consistent brand voice (for more info on brand voice, click here)
a form of writing that is clear, easy to understand, and relatable.
an email list of people who have agreed to receive notification of blog posts as they are published
Sadly, many business owners, especially small business owners, find it hard to make time to create content on a regular basis. They start out well and then life happens and before they know it, its been months without a post. Once you have a variety of content on your blog feed, you might get away with this but overall it is better to be consistent. This ensures that the people on your mailing list don't have a chance to forget about you.
So, how do you mange to create high quality, consistent content? In many cases, the most effective method is to hire a content creator, they can be a professional blogger, or a copywriter- like me.
It's their job to learn all about your business, your brand, and your brand voice, and to use that to create blog posts for you at a set number of posts per month.
This doesn't mean that you can't do it yourself. Of course you can, if you have the time and patience. Lots of people do. However, as a small business owner, your priority has to be running your business and dealing with its day-to-day needs, and that is as it should be. Sometimes you just can't be everywhere and do everything yourself.
And that is why you need to know that there are resources (like me :) ) who are available to take it off of your shoulders.
If you would like to know more about the content creation that I provide, feel free to pop over to my website and take a look at what I offer, read through the examples provided, and decide for yourself if you like my work.
Click here to get a free consultation with no obligation. You can tell me all about your hopes and dreams and your vision and we can make a plan that suits your individual needs.
Or, send me an email at vikijodetlor@gmail.com I'm here to help.
Until then, happy blogging!